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August 20, 2024 - ILCW August Quarterly Meeting, Day 2

Independent Living Council of Wisconsin (ILCW) Full Council Quarterly Meeting

Access to Independence
3810 Milwaukee Street
Madison, WI 53714

Join via Zoom:

Join via Phone:
Phone: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 862 7366 8347

Meeting packet available on LiveBinders:

To view captions on your own device, visit ILCW’s StreamText event page.


  1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Introductions
  2. Discuss ILCW Membership in the Wisconsin Survival Coalition 910-925
  3. Discuss ILCW FFY 2025 Conference Attendance
    • 2024 Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL)
    • Self-Determination Conference
  4. Discus Progress Toward 2021-2024 SPIL Goals 940-950
  5. Discuss 2025-2027 SPIL 950-1015
    • Review 2025-2027 SPIL Goals, Objectives, and Indicators
      • Discuss ILCW Training Requirements
      • Discuss Potential Topics for Training to be Provided by the Wisconsin Independent Living Network (WILN)
    • Approve new SPIL Goals Tracking Tool
  6. Break 1015-1030
  7. Discuss Amendment to 2025-2027 SPIL1030-1130
    • Develop 2025-2027 SPIL Amendment Timeline
    • Develop Public Comment Period and Mechanisms
    • Review and Approve DRAFT 2025-2027 SPIL Amendment
  8. Discuss Updates from ILCW Committees
    • ILCW Executive Committee as Presented by Eric Riskus, ILCW Chair
    • ILCW Membership Committee as Presented by Randi Johnson, ILCW Secretary
      • Review and Approve ILCW Prospective Member Application
    • ILCW SPIL Committee, as Presented by Kyle Kleist, ILCW Vice Chair
  9. Discuss use of Stream Text for Future ILCW In-Person Meetings and Activities
  10. Adjourn