Introduction to the Coalition
Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers supports the collective effort of Centers for Independent Living across the state. Formed by center directors in 1994, the Coalition has been one of the longest running collective organizations, and the only one to maintain statewide representation throughout its existence. WCILC is focused on advancing independent living efforts through advocacy, support, and best practice development.
What we do:
- Advocacy
As part of the Wisconsin Independent Living Network, WCILC staff, in conjunction with centers and the SILC direct and lead staff based advocacy groups focused on 3 main priority areas. These are determined through surveys conducted with community members over the 3 years of SPIL implementation. The results of these surveys determine advocacy priorities for the following three year period. Currently WILN is focused on Transportation, Long Term Care, and Mental Health and Substance Use. WCILC coordinates representation on statewide committees as well as shapes the legislative priorities for the IL Network. Take the WILN advocacy survey. - Support
WCILC believes the best way to succeed is by working together, and provides an avenue for all 8 IL Centers in Wisconsin to collaborate and move forward together. WCILC helps shape the overarching philosophy of Independent Living across the state and ensure that we are living up to the goal of keeping disabled people in the most integrated setting, their community of choice. WCILC Advocates for State and Federal level efforts to ensure ILCs can meet their responsibilities under the Rehab Act and function as civil rights based organizations that provide services.Over the past year WCILC has worked on developing an equity roadmap to address racial and disability based inequity within the system and the work that we do. As we build capacity around our understanding of personal, institutional, and structural bias WCILC supports its member centers - Best Practice Development
WCILC, in conjunction with ILC management and staff offers best practice committees focused on the delivery of consistent IL services statewide. While IL Philosophy is unique, and centers differ from region to region, we are all committed to ensuring that the services, whether similar of different, are provided in the best way possible. WCILC Best Practice committees are an opportunity for IL staff to share their perspectives on what makes quality IL services and troubleshoot potential barriers.WCILC has also created the Quality Indicators in IL Services (QUILS) tool to assist centers in taking a comprehensive deep dive into their service delivery. This tools is led by a team of peer reviewers from all levels of IL, and gives centers an unbiased review of all aspects of running an ILC. The tool can be purchased from WCILC, Teams are comprised of 6-10 staff from other ILCs who have been trained in the review process, and the review process usually takes around one week depending on center size. You can find more information about the QUILS tool by clicking the button below.
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