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August 1, 2024 - Wisconsin Council on Physical Disabilities (CPD) Quarterly Meeting

Open Meeting Notice Wisconsin Council on Physical Disabilities (CPD) Quarterly Meeting

Wednesday, August 1, 2024
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Meeting Held at Access to Independence, Madison WI

Join via Zoom:

Join via Phone:
(669) 254-5252;
Meeting ID: 161 1786 1716


1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Review and Approve August 1, 2024, CPD Quarterly Meeting Agenda
3. Review and Approve May 1, 2024, CPD Quarterly Meeting Minutes
4. Public Comment on the State Plan for People with Disabilities, 2022-2024 ( or Issues Impacting People with Physical Disabilities (10:15 A.M.–10:25 A.M.)

  • Further public comments may be solicited on other agenda items noted below as they arise, and as time allows.

5. Discuss and Develop CPD Annual Report
6. Draft 2025-2027 State Plan for People with Disabilities
7. CPD Liaison Updates

  • Liza Morrow, Board on Aging and Long-Term Care
  • Sarah Smith, Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
  • Taqwanya Smith, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  • Eva Kubinski, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
  • Kristine Zukrow, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
  • Jeremy Kaukl, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
  • Colleen Larsen, Wisconsin Technical College System
  • Nicholas Zouski, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  • Dr. Elizabeth Watson, University of Wisconsin System
  • Wendy Von Below, Department of Administration

8. CPD Committee Updates

  • Emergency Preparedness, Karen Secor, Chair
  • Housing, Jeff Fox, Chair
  • Employment and Health, Roberto Escamilla II
  • Transportation, Charles Vandenplas
  • Stacy Ellingen, Long-Term Care Advisory Committee

9. Discuss 2025 Dan Johnson Award

10. Discuss 2024 Council Quarterly Meeting Dates and Locations

11. Adjourn

Event Info

August 1 @ 10:00 am

Join via Zoom